Saturday, April 22, 2023

Women should do these 5 exercises to increase hip size, they will get perfect shape soon; muscles will be strong

 There is a lot of competition among girls to increase their hips. Many girls take training to increase hip size in the gym. Here we are telling you about the exercise to make hip and muscles attractive. The body structure of each person is different from each other. Many people often dream of achieving the perfect body shape and mold themselves accordingly.

 It is true that it may not be possible for everyone to have the same body structure, but you can give yourself an attractive figure. For this, you need to work a little hard on your body, through which you too can fulfill your dream of making amazing shape like celebs. Hips are also an attractive part of the body.

There is a lot of discussion among girls about hip size. Attractive hips are no less than a boon for females, but many women practice to increase them. Today, let us tell you about some such exercises which can make your hip in toned shape.

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1.Side lunges exercise with dumbbells:
                                                      Side lunges are great for taking pressure off your thighs and lower back. This exercise tones the muscles from the side and gives a great look. There are multiple activations in this exercise including sagittal, frontal and transverse. Depending on the addition, this workout applies pressure to tone the muscles.

 How to do side lunges exercise Start practice from frontal plane stand straight with feet together Then take light or medium dumbbells according to your weight Step your right foot forward and begin to exhale. Now bend your knees and push your hips back Push your arms looking forward and now place your hands near the right foot Push off with your right foot and then shift your weight to the left foot Return to center and repeat it on the other side. Do this exercise 3 times with 12 reps each.

2.Split leg squats:
                             This exercise is also known as Bulgarian split squats. Split leg squats take the pressure off the glutes and increase your stability. This exercise also makes your hips rounder and more attractive. It needs to be done in the right sequence to produce an effect on the muscles of the legs and hip.

Steps to do this exercise
                             Split your standing position and spread your legs to the width. Rest your upper body on the front leg. lunge on your right leg; Keep the chest up till your knee touches the ground. Now come back to the starting position.

              This is a very popular exercise to tone the muscles of your lower body and your hips. It helps in widening your hip muscles and gives a good shape. Squats are beneficial for toning the muscles of your thigh, hips. It also puts pressure on your core and develops a perfect posture. To do this exercise, you have to take the following steps.

•Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart Point your toes slightly outward •Now slowly bend your knees and keep your hand parallel to the ground
 •In the position of sitting on a chair, push your hips towards the back side Keep your chin and neck forward in a comfortable position Go down until a right angle is formed between your thighs and the floor •Keep your weight on your heels for best results through the exercise Slowly come up and return to the starting position. Repeat this 15 times in sets of 3.

4.Side leg lifts:
                          Side leg lifts are great for toning and widening your hips. This exercise stretches the muscles of your hips and makes them look in shape. For this exercise, you have to follow this routine-
•Lie down on a mat or a slightly soft surface. •Now twist to the right keeping your back, neck and head in a neutral position Place •your hand under your arm for support and extend
• it over your head for a comfortable position. Now put your feet on top of each other Slowly raise your left leg as high as possible and hold it for 1 second.
•Now slowly put it on your other leg Do this exercise together 3 times. By doing this, apart from the hip, this exercise is one of the best workouts to tone the muscles.

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Body health & fitness care

 5.Hip rise exercise:
                                    It is also very beneficial for shaping and toning your hips. It also strengthens your core and back muscles. Hip raises can help you achieve a round butt and thus you need to practice it daily. However, keep in mind that you do it with the right posture as it can affect your back and neck muscles.
•This exercise is also good for your glutes. Steps to do this exercise First of all, lie flat on the floor on your back.
 •Keep your arms straight beside your body, palms facing down Inhale and lift your hips up from your hamstrings and pelvic floor. Keep your upper body at the shoulders and form a straight line Stay in that position for 2-3 seconds and then slowly lower your hips to the floor.

Follow these 4 methods to increase breast size, growth will start slowly

 You can adopt some measures to increase the size of the breasts. Learn easy ways to increase breast size- 


4 Tips increase breast size
Body health &fitness care


Breasts play an important role in enhancing the beauty of women. On one hand, curvy, large and tight breasts can make women look attractive. On the other hand, small, loose and hanging breasts can reduce the personality and confidence level of women. That's why every woman desires to have shapely and tight breasts. But some women's breasts are not able to grow even with age, due to which they have to face embarrassment. If the size of your breasts has also not increased properly, then you can try some methods to increase the size of the breast. So come on, what are the easy ways to increase breast size? How to increase breast size? What are the home remedies to increase breast size?

Body health & fitness care

Ways to increase breast size-

1. Exercise regularly:
                                           Exercising regularly is very important to increase breast size. Exercise can help in gaining muscles. So if your breasts are not able to develop properly, then you can practice regular exercise. To increase the size of your breasts, you can do push-ups, chest press exercises, cobra poses or wall press exercises. Doing these exercises for half an hour daily can help you to a great extent in increasing breast size.

2. Massage breast oil:
                                    If you want to increase your breast size, then you must do breast massage regularly. Breast massage improves blood flow to the muscles of the breasts. Due to this, the muscles of the breasts are gained and gradually the size starts increasing. To increase breast size, you can massage with mustard oil, coconut oil, olive oil, castor oil etc. For this you first make the oil lukewarm, now take this oil on your hand and massage the breasts in circulation motion. To increase breast size, you can massage the breasts in the morning and evening.

3. Eat Estrogen Rich Foods:
                                         It is very important to consume estrogen rich foods to increase breast size. In fact, as the level of estrogen, progesterone hormone increases, puberty occurs in women and their breasts also develop. But some women have low estrogen levels. Due to which the development of breasts is not done properly. In such a situation, if your breasts are also small, then you can make estrogen rich foods a part of your diet. For this, you can include linseed, soy products, sesame, tofu, nuts, sea food and fennel in the diet.

4. Increase Protein Intake:
                                            Increasing protein intake is very important for gaining muscles. Protein is essential for overall health. In particular, protein is helpful in developing muscles. Therefore, if the muscle growth of your breasts has not happened, then you should increase the protein intake. By increasing protein intake, your breast muscles will gain and breast size will also increase. For this, you can include milk, curd, paneer, egg, non-veg etc. in your diet. Consuming protein on a daily basis can help you a lot in increasing breast size.
Advance :
You can do regular exercise to increase breast size. Along with this, you should also take support of estrogen rich foods, protein and oil massage. By following these tips, you can get a lot of help in increasing the size of the breast.

Weight Loss Tips | 10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

 Home remedies to lose weight Don't be surprised! You can also lose weight at home and manage it properly. It is not necessary that simply being hungry will lead to weight loss. Instead, try to incorporate healthy behaviors into your daily routine. Today we are sharing with you weight loss tips, which will not only help you lose weight, but by adopting them you can also manage weight properly.

10 easy ways to lose weight Who says you can shed extra kilos only by starving yourself, eating very little or following a keto diet plan. Incorporating these weight loss tips into your routine will easily lead to a healthy lifestyle and weight management. Let us know the easy and best ways to lose weight:

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1. Lifestyle Changes:
                                     "Small changes make a big difference." People often find it difficult to make lifestyle changes to lose weight. Lifestyle changes are one of the best ways to lose weight quickly. However, you can start with small changes like eating only when you are hungry, avoiding snacks with tea, switching to healthy snacks, avoiding eating while watching TV. These small steps can make a big difference in your weight loss journey. According to the researchers; People who make these changes lose weight faster, that too without bouncing back. Regular exercise helps you burn calories and lose weight by increasing your metabolic rate. Also, it increases the muscular mass. Therefore, adding some sort of physical activity to your daily lifestyle can lead to weight loss.

2. Never skip breakfast:
                                         “Healthy start of the day leads to a healthy life.” Avoid cutting down on breakfast, which is your morning fuel for the day. If you're trying to lose weight, be sure to start your day off healthy. In fact, studies repeatedly show that skipping breakfast is linked to overweight and obesity. That's why you should never skip your breakfast. Don't depend on packaged or so called healthy foods. Choose a healthy snack. If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, make sure that your first meal of the day is well balanced and contains lots of protein, good fats and dietary fibre.

3. Drink Enough Water:
                                             "Drinking enough water can help you revive your metabolism." Any diet you follow or talk to a dietician about weight loss, the first question they will ask is how much water do you drink throughout the day. Hence proper water intake is one of the first weight loss tips that one must follow. It is important to drink enough water People who are excessively active, on medication, or sick with a virus infection should consume more water. You can also stay hydrated by eating more vegetables and fruits.

4. Sleep well:
                       "Never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep." One of the best things you can do to keep a check on your weight and your health is to get proper and adequate sleep. For deep sleep, people should stop working three hours before sleeping, stop eating two hours before sleeping and stop using any gadget one hour before sleeping. Lack of sleep can increase cortisol, which makes it more difficult to eliminate body and belly fat. Thus, a proper 6 hours of sleep is good for weight loss.

5. Avoid flavored drinks:
                                            “Say no to all sugar and flavored drinks, they are the biggest cause of excess weight.” Don't drink fruits, eat them. We prefer to drink juice instead of eating whole fruits. This effectively eliminates fiber from our diet. Also, it is a common mistake to rely on too many cold and sugary drinks to reverse dehydration. With this, we are simply consuming too many calories. To lose weight fast, it is important to avoid flavored, high-calorie drinks and so-called healthy beverages.

 6. Don't forget the cheat meals:
                                                       "Because you have the right" When you have your favorite dish or dessert, your brain produces happy hormones called endorphins. One reward meal a week builds your metabolism by increasing levels of leptin, a satiety hormone. In a way, it makes you feel full and satisfied.

 7. Vitamin D intake:
                                   “Staying in the sun for 10 minutes is as important as your meal.” Vitamin D keeps your hormone levels under control and helps with weight loss and body fat. Also, when you lose weight, your body's ability to absorb vitamin D also increases. So, in a way, once you start taking the right dosage of Vitamin D, your body's absorption rate also increases. The benefits of Vitamin D are limitless. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to serious consequences such as weakened immunity, weak bones, depression, muscle loss, or even chronic conditions such as cancer. Very simple, just go outside and absorb sunlight for 10 minutes daily. This will meet your daily recommended requirement of Vitamin D.

 8. Avoid Sugar:
                           “Sugar not only affects your weight loss journey, but it is harmful for everyone.” Sugar in any form is unhealthy. Jaggery, honey and brown sugar are no different from refined white sugar as they all rank high on the glycemic index, which induces fluctuations in the insulin levels of the body and hence is considered harmful for diabetics. Consuming sugar triggers the release of dopamine in the brain, which is the pleasure center of the brain. Once you start consuming it, your body gets used to releasing these reward centers. That's why you get addicted to it.

9. Diet plan:
                    "One of the most important parts of losing weight is the meal plan." The major reason for overweight people is eating habits and not proper diet, so a healthy diet plan is important for weight loss. The dietician can give you a meal plan according to your choice. As we ensure our client's likes and dislikes before making a diet plan for weight loss. Although you will find many weight loss diets, the most important step in the weight loss journey is the meal plan. It will save you time and meal planning also helps in portion control.

 10. Choose Healthy Snacks:
                                             "Be careful when choosing your snacks during your weight loss journey." It's okay to have snacks during your weight loss journey, but the kind of snacks you consume matter. Instead of going for outside packed food, you can prepare breakfast at home. Choose a healthy snack. You can include fruits and vegetables in your weight loss diet.

   Weight loss has been a major issue for many people and losing weight is not easy. Also it is mentally and physically challenging. You need proper guidance from professionals to help you overcome it. So, if you also want to lose weight, find a dietician, find the best diet plan for weight loss, and achieve your goal. We at Fitelo provide a customized diet plan for each individual based on their health issues or body problems. So keep adopting these weight loss tips and take care of small things.

Note: What is cardiac arrest? From symptoms to methods of prevention, know everything here

 There are many types of diseases in the world, which engulf the person. To avoid these diseases, we lead a good life, eat good diet and also do all kinds of workouts and exercises to keep ourselves fit. Despite this, there are many such diseases, which are not even well known and they make us their victims. One such disease is cardiac arrest, about which people know very little. But this is a serious condition, in which the heart can suddenly stop beating and the heartbeat becomes irregular. Every year one person out of several thousand people dies from it. So let's know about this disease, symptoms and methods of prevention.

What is cardiac arrest?

Actually, some people also consider cardiac arrest as heart attack, but these two are different. It is important to understand here that cardiac arrest is more dangerous than heart attack. If timely treatment is not given in this disease, then the death of the person can happen. In this, due to electrical imbalance, the heart stops beating, due to which the person is unable to breathe and starts gasping. In such a situation, it is very important to get timely treatment.

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*These are the symptoms:

1.Sudden loss of consciousness and then sudden collapse. At the same time, he does not give any response even after moving the patient.

 2. sudden rapid heartbeat

3.Person is unable to breathe normally

  4. Blood is not supplied to other parts of the body and brain -

5.Pulse and blood pressure stop.

*Can help like this-

1. If someone is having a cardiac arrest, the first thing you should do is call the emergency number (hospital number) and ask for help.

 2.At the same time, you should immediately give CPR to the patient. The patient's life can be saved even by giving CPR.

*This is how CPR can be given:

1. To give CPR, first of all you have to press the patient's chest 30 times. Clasp both your hands together and place them in the middle of the person's chest.

2. After this, push hard in the center of the chest. The push should be such that the chest goes inwards about an inch. You have to press it at the rate of 100 times in a minute. During this, keep in mind that between compressions, let the chest rise completely. You have to continue giving CPR until medical help reaches you.

* These are the ways to avoid:

   1. For this it is most important that you stay fit and stay healthy

2. Eat a healthy diet that is nutritious, low in carbohydrates and low in cholesterol 3. Consume less oily food. At the same time, it would be better to minimize or avoid consuming sweet foods because they can increase weight and increase the risk of heart diseases.

3. If you do alcohol and smoking, quit today because they work to increase heart related problems.

4. Physical activity is of great importance to avoid this.

Consult your doctor for more details about the respective disease mentioned in the above article.

Toothache has made even eating something difficult, try these home remedies, you will feel comfortable

 :Sometimes toothache can occur anytime and it seems very difficult to get rid of this pain. Due to toothache, there is difficulty in eating food and it also becomes difficult to get up and sit. Even while eating the smallest and softest thing, it seems that the teeth may come out. Here are some such home remedies which remove the problem of teeth and prove to be helpful in providing relief.

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                  Body health & fitness care

       Toothache is a common problem that many people suffer from. As small as this problem sounds, it is actually much more serious than that. Only a sufferer can tell how terrible a toothache is. When you have a toothache, it becomes difficult for you to speak, eat and drink and even talk. In common language, it is also known as toothache or toothache. Sometimes the pain is so severe that your entire mouth may swell.

  There can be pain in the teeth due to many reasons. Here are some such home remedies which will be very useful for you to get rid of this pain.

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Body health & fitness care


Garlic also proves effective in removing bacteria and getting rid of toothache. To use, rub garlic and keep it on the teeth. If you want, you can also dip a cotton ball in garlic juice and keep it on your teeth. Garlic oil can also be applied on the teeth to relieve pain.

2.Oil pulling

Oil pulling is done with coconut oil. This is also a way of cleaning the teeth by which the rotten teeth are cleaned properly. Oil pulling proves to be effective when there is pain due to the bacteria accumulated on the rotten and yellow teeth. For this keep coconut oil in the mouth and move it from here to there for 2 to 3 minutes. After this rinse off. Doing this in the morning and evening will give some relief from toothache.


Take a piece of clove and grind it and keep it on your aching tooth. You can also use clove oil.Clove is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and works to draw pain. If there is swelling around your teeth, then clove is effective in removing it.

4.salt water

The accumulated dirt on the teeth causes tooth cavity and pain starts due to cavity or tooth decay. That's why it is very important that you clean your teeth properly. Take lukewarm water and mix half a teaspoon of salt in it. Rinse with this water. It also cleans the mouth properly and also compresses the aching tooth, due to which the pain is felt.

 Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Stomach pain causes, symptoms and home remedies

Stomach is the most important organ of the body which plays an immense role in the functioning of the body. Most of the internal problems occurring in the body are related to the stomach. Stomach provides energy to the body by taking food. Many types of problems arise in the stomach due to eating disorders or other reasons, pain in the stomach is also one of them.

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There are many symptoms of abdominal pain. However, its main symptoms may include:
2. Rumbling in stomac
4. Get fever
6.Abdominal distension
7.Excessive flatulence
8.Blood in stool
9.Shortness of breath
10.Feeling of heaviness in the stomach
 11.Stabbing pain in stomach
12. Intermittent abdominal pain
13.Belly feeling soft
14. In some cases vomiting with blood.

*due to stomach ache-
  1.  Indigestion
  2.  Complaint of constipation
  3.  Appendicitis
  4.  Food poisoning
  5.  Ulcer or abscess
  6.  Hernia
  7.  Irritable bowel syndrome
  8.  Gallstones
  9.  Endometriosis
  10.  Crohn's disease
  11.  Urinary tract infection
  12.  Ulcerative colitis
  13.  Cramps during menstruation

*Home remedies for stomach ache-

  1. Fennel: Boil one spoon of fennel in water and drink it after it cools down.
  2. Asafoetida: Mix a pinch of asafetida in a glass of warm water and consume it.
  3. Mint:- Make mint tea and consume 2-4 cups of that tea throughout the day.
  4. Ginger: Boil ginger in water and then after filtering it, mix honey in water and consume it.
  5. Apple vinegar: Mix apple vinegar and honey in a cup of lukewarm water, mix it well and then consume it.
  6. Chamomile: Boil chamomile in water and filter it, then add lemon juice and honey according to your taste and consume it.
  7. Baking Soda: Mix one teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and consume it.
*Lifestyle in stomach ache-

  1. Do not drink tea or coffee
  2.  Stay away from alcohol and cigarettes
  3. Do not eat oily and spicy things
  4. Avoid Street Foods
  5. Don't eat fast foods
  6. Don't lift heavy
  7. Do not eat heavy food at night
  8. Take a walk after dinner
  9. Avoid lying down immediately after eating
  10.   Do light exercise daily in the morning and evening
  11.  Drink enough water
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*What should not be eaten in stomach pain?-

  1. Tea and coffee
  2. Alcohol and cigarettes
  3. Citrus fruits
  4.  Fat rich
  5. Oily and spicy
  6.  Tomato products
  7.  Carbonated drinking water
  8. 8.Dairy Products

Also, if stomach pain is not cured by home remedies or medicines, consult a doctor and get your stomach pain properly examined and treated. Ignoring stomach pain for a long time can prove to be dangerous.

Women should do these 5 exercises to increase hip size, they will get perfect shape soon; muscles will be strong

 There is a lot of competition among girls to increase their hips. Many girls take training to increase hip size in the gym. Here we are t...